Joint optimisation for power control, scheduling and routing algorithms in the infrastructure wireless mesh network
by Mugen Peng, Yingjie Wang, Kun Wang, Wenbo Wang
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008
Abstract: The performance optimisation model for the IEEE 802.16 standard based wireless mesh network is presented and a joint optimisation method is proposed as the sub-optimal solution strategy, in which the power control, scheduling and routing algorithms are designed as integrated mechanisms. The distributed transmission power focuses on reducing the power consumption and decreasing interferences. Wireless scheduling is used to improve the spectrum efficiency, and the routing selection mechanism determines the optimum routing selection. Simulation results show that the proposed joint optimisation mechanism can effectively improve the network throughput performance, decrease the power consumption and achieve better performances.
Online publication date: Mon, 04-Feb-2008
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