Role of innovation in IT in achieving its business objectives: a case study
by Kaushik V. Pandya, Hemant Anand
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 2, No. 3, 2008

Abstract: This paper looks at the case study to evaluate IT contributions through innovations, which help business achieve its objectives. Research explored if IT is considered an equal partner while defining strategic directions. Research was undertaken in two stages: extensive literature review and empirical, interpretative case study based research. Literature review revealed a lack of established innovation frameworks/models essential for achieving desired success. A big gap between Business and IT objectives surfaced during research. Lack of IT participation while defining strategic directions appeared to be the main reason for non-alignment in objectives. Study findings revealed a lack of innovations in IT, essential for business achieving its objectives. Literature review and findings helped presenting recommendations in this paper, to overcome issues highlighted during the research. This paper emphasises on having strong leadership, optimal organisational structure and processes with clear roles, responsibilities to enable close collaboration between Business and IT to set strategic directions.

Online publication date: Thu, 13-Mar-2008

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