Experimental investigation and optimisation in EDM of Al 6063 SiCp metal matrix composite
by Akshay Dvivedi, Pradeep Kumar, Inderdeep Singh
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM), Vol. 3, No. 3/4, 2008

Abstract: Al 6063 SiCp metal matrix composite (MMC) was drilled by EDM to assess the machinability and obtain an optimal setting of process parameters. The effect of pulse-on (Ton), pulse-off (Toff), pulse current (Ip), gap control setting and flushing pressure on EDM of cast Al 6063-SiCp MMC was investigated. The machining conditions were identified for machining performance of the EDM process with respect to material removal rate (MRR) and tool wear rate (TWR) by pilot experimentation using one-factor-at-a-time approach. Taguchi's technique was further applied to obtain an optimal setting of the EDM process parameters. The experimental results and subsequent analysis revealed that all the selected process parameters were significant. MRR increases with increasing Ip and Ton up to an optimal point and then drops. The effect of Ip is predominant on MRR as compared to other parameters.

Online publication date: Wed, 29-Oct-2008

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