Energy-efficient operation of two-pipe fan-coil unit system with independent fresh air supply
by J.W. Wan, W.M. Zhang
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (IJETP), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2009

Abstract: Year-round energy-efficient operation is presented for a two-pipe fan-coil unit air-conditioning system with independent fresh air supply. The study investigated two typical in-room fan-coil operating modes: the dry fan-coil mode in which the room cooling coil does no latent cooling and the wet fan-coil mode in which the room cooling coil is used for dehumidifying a part of moisture from conditioned space. The investigation shows that for a given indoor temperature and relative humidity level, the changeover time of hot-cold water is same in dry fan-coil mode and wet fan-coil mode, but the operating energy consumption required in dry fan-coil mode is more than that required in wet fan-coil mode during the periods of intermediate and summer seasons.

Online publication date: Sat, 14-Feb-2009

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