Experience with and strategies for public involvement in offshore wind projects Online publication date: Wed, 16-Jul-2003
by Hans Christian Sorensen, Lars Kjeld Hansen, Karin Hammarlund, Jens H. Larsen
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (IJESD), Vol. 1, No. 4, 2002
Abstract: The paper describes and analyses different models for public involvement, based on experience from offshore projects in Denmark (especially Middelgrunden) and Sweden (Karlskrona Vindkraft Offshore). The public likely to be concerned by offshore wind energy projects must be informed and consulted as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). However, as member states individually define details regarding information and consulting, different approaches are possible. It is concluded that although active public involvement is a time and resource requiring challenge, it is to be recommended as it may lead to mitigation of general protests, blocking or delaying projects and increasing future confidence, acceptance and support in relation to the coming offshore wind farms in Europe.
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