Analysis of a cracked beam-column on an elastic foundation
by C.H. Liu, D.M. Wang
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 13, No. 6, 2000

Abstract: A numerical procedure to analyse a cracked beam-column on an elastic foundation is suggested in this paper. This procedure may begin with stability analysis since finite element results obtained in this paper show that buckling loads are hardly influenced by crack location or crack length. As for the analysis of crack extension, relations between external loads and a parameter S1 should be determined. In the region S1 and external forces are linearly related, the parameter S1 is the stress intensity factor K1 of the linear elastic fracture mechanics, thus crack extension may be predicted by linear elastic fracture theory. It is shown in this paper that the technique of virtual crack extension may be used to determine relations between S1 and external forces.

Online publication date: Tue, 15-Jul-2003

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