Simultaneous optimisation of conflicting responses for CNC turned parts using desirability function Online publication date: Tue, 09-Jun-2009
by Aman Aggarwal, Hari Singh, Pradeep Kumar, Manmohan Singh
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), Vol. 18, No. 3, 2009
Abstract: This paper optimises multiple characteristics (tool life, cutting force, surface roughness and power consumption) in CNC turning of AISI P-20 tool steel using desirability function. Four controllable factors of the turning process viz. cutting speed, feed, depth of cut and nose radius, were studied. Face centred central composite design was used for experimentation. Response surface methodology was used for modelling the responses. Desirability function was used for single response and multiple response optimisation. The functions are plotted giving equal weightage to all the four responses.
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