Knowledge management practices and organisational learning in Indian Software Company
by Sanjay Kumar Singh
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2009

Abstract: Organisational learning has been observed as strategic building block of knowledge management movement in this study. The study investigated the relationship and the impact of organisational learning on to knowledge management processes. It was a quantitative research investigation in which the participants were administered psychometric instruments on organisational learning and knowledge management. The results indicate that processes as well as mechanisms of organisational learning are significantly and positively associated with management of explicit and tacit knowledge in the company. Moreover, organisational learning has been found to create significant percentage of variance in both explicit and tacit knowledge management. This study offers empirical support from India to research findings of other academicians in the area of organisational learning and knowledge management.

Online publication date: Wed, 15-Jul-2009

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