Personalised web services for agricultural domain: a case study for recommending organic seeds to farmers and growers
by Konstantinos Markellos, Penelope Markellou, Aglaia Liopa-Tsakalidi, Marina Staurianoudaki
International Journal of Electronic Democracy (IJED), Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce RecOrgSeed, a model for producing interesting recommendations to organic farmers/growers. The whole process has been distinguished into two stages, one off-line that includes data preparation, ontology creation and usage mining and one online that concerns the recommendations production. The knowledge about farmers/growers (users) and seeds (products) is extracted from usage mining data and semantic annotations in conjunction with user-product ratings and matching techniques between users. The preliminary evaluation experiments show that even in the case of ''cold-start problem'' where no initial behavioural information is available, the approach can provide users with logical and relevant recommendations.

Online publication date: Fri, 18-Sep-2009

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