International intellectual property law and creative industries: reshaping standards and recommendations for the future
by Fabricio Polido
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management (IJIPM), Vol. 4, No. 1/2, 2010
Abstract: This article submits a short description on the analysis of the concepts embodied in the expressions 'creative industries' and 'creative goods' and their interactions with the international intellectual property system. Current matters related to the expansion of creative industries and deployment of intellectual property mechanisms for protection of creative goods are to be linked to the constant claims of international community on access to knowledge and cultural goods. The author analyses the debate on 'creative clusters', the limits for copyright protection and the balance of proprietary and public interests in the interface of intellectual property and creative process. Those issues must be inherently linked to the development of institutions in the international intellectual property system and shall serve as instigating topic for a research agenda in the near future.
Online publication date: Tue, 01-Dec-2009
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