Intelligent panic disorder treatment by using biofeedback analysis and web technologies
by Bai-En Shie, Fong-Lin Jang, Vincent S. Tseng
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining (IJBIDM), Vol. 5, No. 1, 2010
Abstract: The treatment of mental disorders has recently become an important research issue. The treatment of mental illness through biofeedback therapy can be defined as a combination method integrating biofeedback devices and self-help programs. This research aims at development of an online treatment system for panic patients by combining biofeedback therapy and web technologies. The system provides a more convenient communication between patients and medical professionals. Moreover, managing functions are provided for the medical professionals. The results of this research are expected to have a pivotal impact on the healthcare industry with increased and enhanced levels of technology and services.
Online publication date: Mon, 14-Dec-2009
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