A study on the bending of a trough-shaped profile using a roller and PUR pad
by Zhubin He, Bugang Teng, Shijian Yuan, Z.R. Wang
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT), Vol. 38, No. 2/3, 2010

Abstract: In bending with PUR pad, profile with different curvature radius can be manufactured. Experiment of trough-shaped profile was carried out to investigate the effect of section shape, penetration depth, roller radius and PUR pad thickness. Results show that both the position of neutral surface and section moment of bending have significant effect on curvature radius. Profile with bigger section moment of bending is difficult to bend. Curvature radius of bent profile decrease sharply when penetration depth increase. Change of roller radius has similar effect as the position of neutral surface. PUR pad thickness has big effect under small penetration depth.

Online publication date: Wed, 10-Mar-2010

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