On the architecture of Authentication, Authorisation, and Accounting for real-time secondary market services
by Yihong Zhou, Dapeng Wu, Scott M. Nettles
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC), Vol. 4, No. 3, 2010

Abstract: The research community introduced the concept of real-time secondary markets, where licensees are allowed to temporarily lease the spectrum unused by the primary users to secondary users. To support this, an Authentication, Authorisation, and Accounting (AAA) mechanism must be in place to enable the licensees and secondary users to trade spectrum in a real-time manner. In this paper, we present an AAA system architecture, and propose a set of mechanisms to authenticate and authorise secondary users, synchronise multiple secondary devices, and manage real-time secondary market services. Furthermore, we address the accounting issue and examine the pricing strategies associated with accounting.

Online publication date: Wed, 28-Jul-2010

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