Plasto-hydrodynamic pressure distribution in an exponentially converging coating unit
by S. Akter, M.S.J. Hashmi
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT), Vol. 13, No. 3/4/5/6, 1998
Abstract: Hydrodynamic coating is a process, whereby a metal continuum is coated by passing it through a hydrodynamic pressure unit filled with polymer melt. The geometry of the pressure unit is always converging. Theoretical analysis have been found in literature to predict the pressure distribution in stepped parallel bore, tapered bore or combined parallel and tapered bore units. In this paper a mathematical model has been developed for the pressure distribution within a exponentially converging hydrodynamic coating unit. Theoretical results are obtained for different continuum speeds in terms of the changes in viscosity, shear stress and pressure distributions within the unit.
Online publication date: Mon, 01-Nov-2010
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