Product-oriented material testing and FEA for hyperelastic suspension jounce bumper design
by Kemal Caliskan, IIhan Konukseven, Y. Samim Unlusoy
International Journal of Design Engineering (IJDE), Vol. 3, No. 4, 2010

Abstract: The basic problem in the finite element analysis of parts made of hyperelastic materials is the identification of mathematical material model coefficients. Furthermore, selection of a suitable mathematical hyperelastic material model may not be straightforward. In this study, a design methodology is presented for hyperelastic suspension jounce bumpers. The commonly used traditional trial-and-error method for jounce bumper design results in high mould costs for prototype production and prolongs the time required. The design methodology presented in this study involves a critical examination of material testing procedures, material model selection, and coefficient identification. The identified coefficients are verified through finite element analysis and actual test results.

Online publication date: Wed, 01-Jun-2011

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