Targeting the base of the pyramid: how enterprises can contribute to sustainable development
by Takashi Hattori
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review (IER), Vol. 12, No. 3, 2011

Abstract: For decades, researchers and organisations have struggled to find the best way to realise sustainable development. A relatively new non-traditional approach emphasises collaboration among various sectors to address the poverty reduction issue and accesses the 'bottom [or base] of the pyramid' (BOP) as both consumers and producers. Japanese enterprises have gradually shown some interest in approaching the people in the base of the economic pyramid in developing countries. This paper summarises tem case studies in which Japanese enterprises assessed whether their BOP businesses could be successful in selected developing countries. Using these case studies as a basis, suggestions for enterprises and other stakeholders are also presented to promote sustainable development in developing countries.

Online publication date: Tue, 23-Sep-2014

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