Name-based view integration for enhancing the reusability in process-driven SOAs
by Huy Tran; Uwe Zdun; Schahram Dustdar
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM), Vol. 5, No. 3, 2011

Abstract: Many companies opt for reusing existing software development artefacts due to the benefits of the reuse such as increasing productivity, shortening time-to-market, and spending less time for testing, debugging, to name but a few. Unfortunately, reusing artefacts in existing process-driven SOA technologies is cumbersome and hard to achieve due to several inhibitors. First, the languages used for business process development are not intentionally designed for reuse. Second, numerous tangled process concerns embraced in a process description significantly hinder the understanding and reusing of its concepts and elements. Third, there is a lack of appropriate methods and techniques for integrating reusable artefacts. In our previous work, we proposed a view-based, model-driven approach for addressing the two former challenges. We present in this paper a named-based view integration approach aiming at solving the third one. Preliminary qualitative and quantitative evaluations of four use cases extracted from industrial processes show that this approach can enhance the flexibility and automation of reusing process development artefacts.

Online publication date: Wed, 18-Mar-2015

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