Adaptive modelling of creatinine concentration in human blood
by Mashhour Bani Amer
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Vol. 7, No. 2, 2011

Abstract: The need and importance of modelling and evaluation of renal function has grown with the increasing need for kidney replacement, design of artificial kidney and proper diagnosis and treatment of kidney disorders. This paper explores a fuzzy model of the creatinine concentration (Cr) in human blood using adaptive Neurofuzzy Inference System (NFIS). This model aims to predict blood creatinine using blood urea, sodium and potassium without a need for actual measurement of Cr in blood. The creatinine level in blood is an efficient tool for evaluation and assessment of renal function. The proposed model was validated by comparing the predicted creatinine values from the model with the experimental creatinine values. The obtained results showed that the developed model is capable of estimating the blood creatinine with a Root-Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.76 and also the predicted Cr values agree closely with the experimentally measured Cr values. Practically, this implies that the developed neurofuzzy model is adequate one for prediction of creatinine concentration in human blood and consequently will lead to a proper evaluation of renal function.

Online publication date: Wed, 21-Jan-2015

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