Grind-drilling of carbon/epoxy composites based on air cooling method
by Ben Wang; Hang Gao; Ruifeng Zhang; Quan Wen
International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT), Vol. 4, No. 4, 2011

Abstract: During drilling of carbon/epoxy composites using grind-drilling method, the temperature of cutting area is high for the grinding mechanism of material removal. A low-temperature air cooling method was proposed and implemented. The results show that low-temperature air cooling method can effectively reduce the temperature of cutting area. The maximum temperature of cutting area is 264.9°C when there was no cooling. Using internal air cooling, the maximum temperature of cutting area is 102.6°C, and the blocking of tool surface and central hole is effectively controlled. In order to avoid the damage caused by cooling air when using internal air cooling, the flow of cooling air should be stopped when the tool tip reaches the maximum temperature position.

Online publication date: Tue, 30-Sep-2014

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