Four theoretical issues and a funeral: improving the policy-guiding value of eco-efficiency indicators
by Nigel Jollands, Murray Patterson
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (IJESD), Vol. 3, No. 3/4, 2004

Abstract: For eco-efficiency indicators to be useful in guiding policy, four issues must be resolved: the meaning of ''eco-efficiency'', the meaning of ''eco-efficiency indicator'', the criteria for choosing the most suitable eco-efficiency indicator(s), and the strengths and limitations of eco-efficiency indicators for guiding policy makers' decisions. These issues, if not resolved, may prove to be the death knell of the use of eco-efficiency indicators for policy development. This paper addresses each of these issues in detail. In doing so, we hope to avert the need to make funeral arrangements for a potentially promising policy tool.

Online publication date: Wed, 25-Aug-2004

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