The impact of e-learning on workplace capability: creating a framework of development
by Sarah-Jane Saravani; John Clayton
International Journal of Business Excellence (IJBEX), Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013

Abstract: Since 2007, the Waikato Institute of Technology has conducted a range of research studies investigating the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in building New Zealand workforce capability. This research has revealed both employers and employees require assurance the e-activities they engage in are effective, efficient and provide value for the resources invested. This paper will focus on three aspects integral to such assurance - quality, impact and reflection. Quality explores the processes used in the creation of the workplace e-learning event and proposes a model, the 5-Ds, to create quality learning experiences. Measurement of impact investigates how the effectiveness of e-learning events is evaluated at two analytical levels - individual and organisational. A model, Return on Investment, Impact, Application, Accomplishment, Satisfaction (R.I.A.A.S.), based on slight modifications to the widely-applied Kirkpatrick-Philips evaluation pyramid, is presented. Reflection is presented as a conscious engagement wherein individuals and organisations review their existing activities against acknowledged frameworks and are able to identify actions to improve their capability. A reflection-action-measurement cyclical model, Reflection, Action, Measurement (R.A.M.), is proposed.

Online publication date: Wed, 30-Oct-2013

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