Isomorphism detection of kinematic chains based on the improved circuit simulation method
by Huiliang Shang; Xiong Chen; Jichuan Li; Wenjie Dong; Peng-Yung Woo
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 46, No. 3, 2013

Abstract: A new method for isomorphism detection based on circuit simulation is presented in this paper. Further, the circuit simulation method is applied to the detection of isomorphic kinematic chains. The proposed method as well as some existing methods has been tested on a large number of kinematic chains, and comparison between these methods has been made. The results showed that the circuit simulation method is more effective in the determination of the correspondence between links and more efficient in the detection of the isomorphism of large-scale kinematic chains.

Online publication date: Wed, 29-May-2013

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