On nonlinear yaw-roll-pitch model of the dynamics of log hauling trucks
by D.J. Zhang, B. Tabarrok
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (IJHVS), Vol. 5, No. 3/4, 1998

Abstract: A full nonlinear yaw-roll-pitch model of the dynamics of log hauling trucks is developed based on Kane's equations. All the joint stiffnesses, suspension springs and dampers, and the vertical compliance of the tyres are considered in the model. The relationships amongst the articulation angles between the vehicle units, the sliding length of the drawbar, and the bounce of the trailing unit at the pintle hook joint, relative to the leading unit, have been introduced into the governing equations of motion. The orthogonal complement array and the zero eigenvalue method are used to deal with the closed-loop constraint equation. The numerical results for directional responses of the system are checked against measured responses in field tests. A comparison of the results of the yaw-roll-pitch and a nonlinear yaw model is also carried out. The sensitivity of the handling performance due to changes in the magnitude of the mass and the location of the mass centre of the payload and the stiffness and cornering characteristics of the tyres are investigated.

Online publication date: Tue, 18-Jun-2013

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