Integration of bidding and procurement systems with e-marketplaces: case study of an Austrian tile layer
by Jorg Zabel, Olaf Peters, Frithjof Weber, Viktoria Steinlechner
International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM), Vol. 2, No. 4, 2004

Abstract: This paper describes the efforts to develop a modular bidding and procurement application and to integrate the system with a broker service for tiles and related products in the supply chain of the tile industry by means of the case study of an Austrian tile layer. The main drawbacks of the as-is situation as well as the requirements and envisaged to-be processes are briefly outlined. Furthermore, the chosen architecture and the envisaged functionality of the electronic marketplace and the supportive tools are introduced. The work has been carried out within the scope of the European project e.bip (IST-999–0710; start date: 1 March 2000; duration: 30 months; total efforts: >18 man-years), which aims to innovate the bidding and procurement processes in the tile supply chain.

Online publication date: Tue, 19-Oct-2004

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