Characteristics of material removal processes in single and multiple cutting edge grit scratches
by X. Chen; T.T. Öpöz
International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT), Vol. 6, No. 3, 2014

Abstract: This paper provides a fundamental investigation on the material removal mechanism in grinding. With single and multiple edge CBN grit scratch tests, the En24T steel material removal is characterised by considering material pile up ratio, material removal specific energy and acoustic emission feature during the scratching process. It has been discovered that the cutting edge shape of the grit has a significant influence on the proportion of ploughing and cutting actions. Cutting and ploughing actions vary with the number of cutting edges leading to different cutting force, specific energy, pile up ratio and acoustic emission (AE) energy. According to experimental results, cutting action is more effective in single edge scratches while ploughing action is more dominant in the multiple edge scratches. The research finding provides critical first-hand insight of material removal mechanism for improving grinding efficiency through wheel design and dressing operation.

Online publication date: Sat, 21-Jun-2014

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