Planning system for sustainable territorial development in Serbia Online publication date: Fri, 25-Jul-2014
by Marija N. Maksin
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (IJESD), Vol. 13, No. 3, 2014
Abstract: The aim of this article is to research the problems in the development and practices of the planning system in the sustainable territorial development of a transition country (Serbia). Research is based upon the analysis and assessment of how integrated and supported is the legal framework, governance system and strategic planning (general strategies, spatial, environmental and sector planning) in the sustainable territorial development of Serbia. The paper also analyses the role and possibilities for the implementation of strategic environmental assessment as a support instrument (control and coordination) of strategic planning. The main findings are that in a country undergoing transition, such as Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century, there are many cases of hastened, uncoordinated and uncritical adoption of numerous laws and planning documents based on legal heritage and EU development documents, without real reforms of the planning and management system, and without adequate political will to provide mechanisms for the implementation of sustainable territorial development. Recommendations have been given in this article, and priorities singled out for improving the system of strategic planning and facilitating support for sustainable territorial development in a country undergoing transition.
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