An evaluation of impact of technology upgradations on manufacturing performance Online publication date: Sat, 30-Aug-2014
by Inderpreet Singh Ahuja
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2014
Abstract: In the modern dynamic world, technology is perhaps the most important resource to any nation. Technology and its management are today matters of global primacy. Today, the world is moving from an era of separate national economies to a networked global economy. Global competition, technological change, and demanding customers are creating a more knowledge intensive, turbulent, complex and uncertain environment. The economic, industrial policy reforms in India and the world over call for integration of country's economy and industry with their global counterparts. The study has been undertaken at an automobile ancillary unit with an objective to analyse the process of technology upgradation through technology adoption and adaptation. Learning's from the case study have been discussed and implications of technology upgradations through technology adoption and adaptation initiatives on manufacturing performance of the organisation have been presented in the study.
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