Two-stage approach to the mixed-model sequencing problem Online publication date: Sat, 18-Apr-2015
by Shusaku Hiraki
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (IJPQM), Vol. 15, No. 2, 2015
Abstract: This paper proposes a method to address a mixed-model sequencing problem that currently exists in automobile manufacturing. From the standpoint of supply chain management, we proposed a new sequencing method that aims at: 1) levelling the workloads for each process on an assembly line; 2) maintaining a constant rate of production for all the parts in the production process; 3) meeting delivery dates of distributors when the final products are delivered by specialised shipping vessels. In order to simultaneously satisfy these three goals, a two-stage approach is proposed. First, by dividing the production period into shorter periods, the production volume of each product is determined for each of these shorter periods to maintain a constant rate of parts usage and meet the delivery date to distributors. Next, a production schedule is established for each period to realise smoother production on the assembly line.
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