Rotary ultrasonic machining of ceramics: design of experiments
by Yue Jiao, Ping Hu, Z.J. Pei, Clyde Treadwell
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM), Vol. 7, No. 2/3/4, 2005

Abstract: Rotary ultrasonic machining is one of the nontraditional machining processes for advanced ceramics. Currently available in literature are publications on theoretical and experimental studies on material removal rates in rotary ultrasonic machining. However, there is no report on the systematic study of the cutting force in rotary ultrasonic machining. Furthermore, the effects of some process parameters on material removal rates and surface roughness have not been reported. This paper presents the results of designed experiments on rotary ultrasonic machining of a ceramic material (92% alumina). The designed experiments have revealed the main effects as well as the interaction effects of the process parameters (spindle speed, ultrasonic power, feedrate and grit size) on cutting force, material removal rate, and surface roughness.

Online publication date: Sun, 17-Apr-2005

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