The effect of attributes of distribution channel member on supply chain management: an empirical analysis of social networks in business
by T. Lakshmanasamy; C. Anil
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM), Vol. 21, No. 2, 2015

Abstract: Marketing channels are an integral part of the supply chain phenomenon and play a vital role as a network. Unlike the supply side of the chain, distribution networks play a more collaborative role in making available the product in the market. It is essential to understand the influence of the social and demographic attributes of the individual members in the distribution on the level of networking amongst the members and is a concern for the managers of the organisations to promote mutual relations to achieve maximum product coverage. This paper empirically analyses the effects of such micro factors in the distribution network using the social network analysis and graphs the emerging empirical network in a business related to construction industry. The results show that personal and social aspects of individuals in the network influence the linking, networking and the structure of the network which have important implications for business promotion and product delivery.

Online publication date: Thu, 14-May-2015

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