On the design of a low-complexity joint bit-packet coding scheme for AWGN channels
by Xincheng Zhang; Shaoqian Li
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2015

Abstract: In this paper, a low-complexity joint design of bit-level and packet-level coding is investigated. In the proposed design structure, a low-complexity iterative decoding algorithm is considered, which is capable of using the Gaussian approximation method for analysing the decoding performance. When the performance of the bit-level coding is given, we analyse the asymptotic convergence of the packet-level coding, which is utilised for optimising the rate of the packet-level code. Based on our proposed optimisation method, an optimal code rate for the scheme can be theoretically acquired. Our numerical results show that the proposed low-complexity joint bit-packet coding scheme has an attractive performance.

Online publication date: Mon, 19-Oct-2015

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