On the construction of localised topology structures in wireless networks
by K. Baskaran; K. Muthulakshmi
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (IJICT), Vol. 9, No. 4, 2016

Abstract: In mobile wireless networks, as the nodes are highly mobile, there is lack of connectivity among nodes. Due to limited resources, the number of overheads or control information has to be minimised. To ensure connectivity, an efficient structure is required for maintaining the topology by resource sharing. Most of the topology structures are based on connected dominating set (CDS) approach. CDS methods force a node to the fullest where the other nodes merit out of it. Handing over the information from a CDS node whose resource is mostly utilised to a new node includes security constraints, ensuring the new node is an authenticated node. To overcome these approaches, a T-formation algorithm is proposed which constructs an efficient tree structure ensuring topology maintenance and efficient hand over to the authenticated neighbouring node with minimum resource utilisation.

Online publication date: Mon, 24-Oct-2016

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