MAC protocol with energy efficient relay selection algorithm for mobile wireless sensor networks
by D. Sai Madhavi; Y.S. Kumar Swamy
International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation (IJMNDI), Vol. 6, No. 4, 2016

Abstract: In this paper, we have designed MAC protocol with energy efficient relay selection algorithm. This relay node selection should minimise the energy consumption and MAC overhead, thereby increasing the lifetime of the networks. In this MAC protocol, relay nodes (RN) are selected based on the MAC overhead and relative energy usage (REU) parameters. The MAC overhead is incurred by handshake signalling, frame transmission time (FTT) and frame retransmissions due to transmission failures. The REU is the ratio of cost of generated and forwarded packets to the cost of generated packets. Thus the relay node selection algorithm is proposed based on the above parameters and the node with least MAC overhead and REU is selected as relay node.

Online publication date: Thu, 19-Jan-2017

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