Influences from cybersecurity and terrorism on social and cultural perspectives of IT influencers
by Robert Deller
European J. of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (EJCCM), Vol. 4, No. 3/4, 2017

Abstract: A major perspective associated with how terrorism is conducted in the world today is through cyberattack. Consequently, growth of internet use through social and cultural interests brings cybercrime increasingly into concern for both business and governments. There can be little doubt therefore that while governments and societies around the world deal with issues of terrorism, they are also addressing possible impacts on cultural and social behaviour from cyberattacks. Thus, the facility of terrorist perpetrators to engage in use of internet communication poses threats to different elements of citizen interest. An investigation into the thinking of world leaders in information technology development as represented across an 8-year period is conducted to determine whether the community addresses problems from internet use while considering other technological issues.

Online publication date: Mon, 12-Jun-2017

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