The factors motivating consumers to accept quick response code as a new form of organisation marketing tool: a structural modelling approach
by Jian-Hui Chong
International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management (IJMOM), Vol. 6, No. 3, 2017

Abstract: This paper will focus on the quick response (QR) codes as a new form of organisation marketing tool. QR code is one of the product applications of smartphones that allow quick communication of information. The main reason for this paper is to study about the consumers' acceptance of QR codes as a new form of organisation's marketing tool. Nonetheless, this is also in hope to tackle the barriers restricting the consumer to try out or accept QR codes. The purpose of this paper is to adopt the diffusion of innovation (DOI) model with the additional elements such as technical support and training; sense of belonging; perceived enjoyment; and word of mouth to explore the factors motivating a consumer to accept QR codes. Meantime, this paper is also excluding three factors from DOI which are compatibility, trialability and observability as these factors will not be applicable in this case.

Online publication date: Thu, 29-Jun-2017

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