Assessment of gender and innovations in climate-smart agriculture for food and nutrition security in Kenya: a case of Kalii watershed Online publication date: Sun, 10-Sep-2017
by Dave Nyongesa; Anthony O. Esilaba; Rosemary Emongor; Edward Bikketi; Kennedy Were
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2017
Abstract: Climate-change and variability (CC&V) exerts multiple stresses on agriculture production. It negatively impacts gender-cadres especially in Kenya's arid and semi-arid lands that occupy 89% (area), 36% (population), 70% (livestock), and 90% (wildlife). Smallholders with limited resources endowments have adopted climate-smart agriculture technologies, which are viewed as a panacea to CC&V in addressing interlinked food-security challenges. This paper reports baseline survey results on 149 randomly selected households in Kalii watershed. Primary and secondary data were collected in March 2015. Data-analyses encompassed regressions, descriptive statistics and gender-analysis. Local perceptions/results revealed precipitations downward-trend and an upward-trend of temperatures, and other elements, and outcomes of CC&V. Gender and innovations are statistically significant at (p<0.05). Decision-making on assets' and proceeds' control and use, was men's domain. Invariably, gender and climate-smart agriculture innovations are critical in food and nutrition security strategy under CC&V.
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