Decision framework of solar thermal power plant project under intuitionistic fuzzy environment
by Shengping Long; Shuai Geng
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM), Vol. 17, No. 4, 2017
Abstract: In order to carry out China's emission reduction commitment, China must develop the Solar Thermal Power Plant (STPP) to replace the traditional thermal power station. The preliminary assessment and screening of STPP project proposals are the major tasks of national development and reform commission (DRC) of China. However there are problems in the STPP selection. The first problem is lack of comprehensive evaluation index system of STPP project; the second problem is information loss; the third problem is lack of objectivity of the criteria's weights. Hence the innovations of this paper are as follows: comprehensive evaluation index system was established from the DRC. The intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) was introduced into the evaluation process to express the performances; the weights of criteria were determined by the combination weighting method; the IFS-TOPSIS was used to rank the alternative STPP projects. Finally, a case of China was studied to demonstrate its effectiveness.
Online publication date: Wed, 11-Oct-2017
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