Additive manufacturing of H13 tooling element with conformal cooling channel using MIG cladding Online publication date: Thu, 08-Feb-2018
by Fisseha Legesse; Sajan Kapil; Hari Vithasth; K.P. Karunakaran
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing (IJRAPIDM), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2018
Abstract: Hybrid layered manufacturing is a synergic integration of additive and subtractive manufacturing processes. It takes the positive aspects of both the processes such as accuracy through subtractive and reduction of material through additive. In this work, The metal inert gas (MIG) cladding has been used for addition and computer numerical control (CNC) milling machining is used for subtraction. The process parameters for MIG cladding of H-13 tool steel material was investigated using Taguchi design of experiment (DOE) method. The effect of different process parameters such as current, torch speed and standoff distance, on weld bead width, height and penetration have been studied using analysis of Variance. This paper describes the methodology of analysing and manufacturing of a die element using H13 tool steel material with a proper conformal cooling channel (CCC) and in-situ preheating process using an induction heating system.
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