Theoretical and industrial studies on the electromechanical relay
by M. Vinod; S.R. Devadasan; D. Rajanayagam; D.T. Sunil; V.M.M. Thilak
International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), Vol. 29, No. 3, 2018

Abstract: Most of the modern products incorporated with automation features involve the switching on and switching off of the electrical circuits. This automating feature is carried out by using relays. Though relays play such an important role in many products, the efforts made by the engineers to improve its design and manufacturing methods have been minimal. In order to overcome this deficient situation, the research reported in this paper was carried out. During this research, the theoretical and practical aspects of one type of relay called electromechanical relay were studied. Furthermore, two problems encountered in the manufacturing of electromechanical relay in a company were studied and the solutions have been brought out. In total, by pursuing the research reported in this paper, contributions have been made to strengthen the bridge between the theoretical and industrial aspects of designing and manufacturing electromechanical relays.

Online publication date: Tue, 13-Feb-2018

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