Prolonging the network life in wireless sensors network - using refined region of interest
by Pritee Parwekar; Sireesha Rodda
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms (IJAIP), Vol. 10, No. 4, 2018
Abstract: Wireless sensor networks are testing new domains with increasingly new applications. Resource constraints have been the classic problem associated with these networks and maximising the network life without compromising on the efficacy of the network is the focus of every research endeavour. Considering the relevance of data, this paper has introduced a concept of refining the region of interest and concentrating the network resources in such area to optimise the network life without loosing out on the relevant significant data with adequate resolution. Field trials using limited sensors have been undertaken to validate the idea of refined region on interest. The algorithm has also been verified through simulations to prove that this concept has helped increase the network life compared to its traditional equivalent.
Online publication date: Wed, 30-May-2018
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