Minimum cost flow based approach for connectivity restoration in WSN
by Heba Essam; Mohamed Younis; Eman Shaaban
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNET), Vol. 27, No. 1, 2018
Abstract: Some of the nodes a wireless sensor network (WSN) are critical for connectivity and their failure may partition the network into multiple disjoint segments. This paper presents a Recovery approach that forms a topology with Increased Robustness against recurrent failure (RIR). RIR tolerates the failure of multiple connectivity-critical nodes through repositioning of non-critical healthy nodes. RIR can handle multiple simultaneous failures of either collocated or scattered nodes. The approach favours substituting a failed node with one with the highest residual energy in order to sustain the network connectivity for the longest time possible. RIR models the recovery as a minimum cost flow (MCF) problem to determine the best set of node relocations for repairing the network topology while minimising the motion overhead of the recovery process. The performance of RIR is evaluated through extensive simulation experiments. The simulation results have confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Online publication date: Mon, 04-Jun-2018
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