Clustering algorithm for wireless sensor network to improve the efficiency of acnode
by Youwei Shao
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), Vol. 10, No. 2, 2018

Abstract: In the vehicular ad hoc networks VANETs, the topological structure with high dynamic and frequent cracked link challenge the vehicle to vehicle communication. By taking VANETs city scene as the background, the thesis proposes routing VAC-BNR (vector-angle-cluster and bridge nodes-based routing) protocol based on clustering of direction vector angle and bridge nodes. The VAC-BNR protocol at first divides a road into the intersection area and straight line sections between or among intersections. In the straight line sections, according to the moving direction of vehicles, the vehicles are divided into different clusters, later on, utility value of the nodes in each cluster are calculated and then priority of node forwarding data packages is arranged according to utility values of nodes; In the intersection area, the stability factor of the vehicles is calculated, which includes relative velocity and distance between the vehicle from surrounding vehicles and the most stable vehicle in the intersection area is chosen as the forwarding node. The experimental data shows that the proposed VAC-BNR protocol can effectively improve data transmission in the urban scene environment.

Online publication date: Mon, 11-Jun-2018

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