Throughput enhancement of SISO parallel LTE turbo decoders using floating point turbo decoding algorithm
by M. Parvathy; R. Ganesan
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC), Vol. 15, No. 1, 2018

Abstract: The floating point decoding algorithm for advanced turbo decoders is proposed in this paper. The analysis of the proposed algorithm is done as an alternative to the Tail Over-Lapped Decoding (TOD) algorithm. This article is described as a comparative analysis of the TOD and floating point turbo decoding algorithm for the throughput enhancement of the fourth generation mobile networks. The latter one is proved to be better for the throughput enrichment and latency reduction with reduced power consumption for Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. The decoder with odd-even interleaver considerably reduces the computational complexity and thus enhances the throughput.

Online publication date: Mon, 10-Sep-2018

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