Estimated radon concentration in drinking water samples for different regions of Hilla City, Iraq
by Khalid S. Jassim; Inaam H. Kadhim; Nawras T. Shihab
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST), Vol. 12, No. 3, 2018

Abstract: In this study, the concentration of radon in water has been measured for 17 samples from different regions of Al-Kifl in the province of Babylon, Iraq. This study was performed using the electronic radon detector RADH2O, where the highest value was 0.199 Bq.L−1 and the lowest value was 0.0 Bq.L−1 and the effective dose for human exposure to radon average is 5.09*10−7 Sv.y−1. The results of radon concentrations and annual effective dose in all samples show no significant radiological risk for the inhabitants in the region of study. We have chosen this subject for the current study because of the importance of water in human life and living, and the lack of previous studies in this study area.

Online publication date: Tue, 16-Oct-2018

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