Consumer awareness of supply chain flows in relation to consumer perceptions of value-added by supply chain management
by Dinesh S. Davé; Michael J. Dotson; James E. Stoddard
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM), Vol. 31, No. 3, 2018

Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the perceptions of consumers regarding their awareness of supply chain management flows and the benefits that these flows convey to them. A further objective was to test the conjecture that consumers could be grouped into supply chain benefit segments. An electronic survey (Qualtrics) was administered to consumers in the USA to test the propositions. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed three important benefits sought by consumers (variety and assortment, quality/price and reasonable price segments). An analysis of variance suggested that the three consumer supply chain benefit clusters explained differences in consumer awareness of supply chain flows. Consumers in the variety and assortment segment had a higher awareness of financial flows, material flows and information flows as a result of their shopping behaviour. The conjecture that the variety and assortment segment had higher awareness of supply chain flows due to their higher online shopping frequency was supported.

Online publication date: Tue, 23-Oct-2018

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