Control of continuous-time chaotic (hyperchaotic) systems: F-M synchronisation
by Adel Ouannas; Ahmad Taher Azar; Toufik Ziar
International Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2019
Abstract: In this paper, a new type of chaos synchronisation between different dimensional chaotic systems is proposed. The novel scheme is called F-M synchronisation, since it combines the inverse generalised synchronisation with the matrix projective synchronisation. In particular, the proposed approach enables F-M synchronisation to be achieved between n-dimensional master system and m-dimensional slave system in different dimensions. The technique, which exploits nonlinear controllers, stability property of integer-order linear continuous-time dynamical systems and Lyapunov stability theory, proves to be effective in achieving the F-M synchronisation. Finally, simulation results are reported, with the aim to illustrate the capabilities of the novel scheme proposed herein.
Online publication date: Wed, 06-Mar-2019
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