A provably secure delegated authentication scheme and its applications
by Qun Lin; Jianzhong Li; Xuechang Ren
International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), Vol. 11, No. 2, 2019
Abstract: In a proxy signature scheme, an original signer can delegate his/her signing capability to a proxy signer, so that the proxy signer can sign on behalf of the original signer. Proxy signature is an important technology in delegated authentication schemes, so it is important to design provably secure proxy signature schemes. Boldyreva et a1. (2012) gave the definition of proxy signature and formalised a model of security for proxy signature schemes. They not only formalised a model of security for proxy signature schemes, but also specified the adversary's capabilities and goals. In this paper, we propose a new provably secure proxy signature scheme under this model, which is more efficient than that of the existing ones. Furthermore, we use this signature scheme to construct a proxy blind signature scheme, and give the security analysis of the new scheme. Proxy blind signature can be applied in cloud computing.
Online publication date: Wed, 13-Mar-2019
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