Cloud manufacturing issues and its adoption: past, present, and future
by Vaibhav S. Narwane; Balkrishna E. Narkhede; Bhaskar B. Gardas; Rakesh D. Raut
International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy (IJMCP), Vol. 12, No. 2, 2019

Abstract: Cloud manufacturing (CM) is an emerging concept extending and adopting the approach of cloud computing for manufacturing. This article presents a literature review on cloud manufacturing issues and its adoption, for this 145 scholarly papers from 44 journals were reviewed. The collected papers were broadly classified into two sections namely CM related issues and adoption of CM. Also, the research articles were categorised as year wise, journal wise, and country wise. This review article highlights the applications of CM across various industries and sectors. The objective of the present paper is to help the academicians and practitioners in understanding the applications of CM, issues related to it, its adoption, and future research directions.

Online publication date: Fri, 26-Apr-2019

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