The attack efficiency of PageRank and HITS algorithms on complex networks
by Yangqian Su; Yunfei Yi; Jun Qin
International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES), Vol. 11, No. 3, 2019

Abstract: With the growing scale of networks, network attack strategies with high attack efficiency and computational efficiency are becoming more and more important. Various attack strategies with various sorting methods have been proposed. However most of them neglected the computational efficiency. Inspired by the high computational efficiency of PageRank and HITS algorithms that used in web pages network, this paper introduces those two algorithms to the network attack separately and explores the feasibility of those two new strategies. The initial experiments choose degree and BC attack as the contrast group, and compare the attack efficiency in six virtual networks. The results indicate that considering the computational efficiency and attack efficiency simultaneously, PageRank strategy has a better attack performance than other compared strategies. Initial discussions about the results are also given.

Online publication date: Thu, 02-May-2019

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