Title: Chaos synchronisation of two different PMSMs via a fractional-order sliding mode controller
Authors: Amina Boubellouta; Abdesselem Boulkroune
Addresses: LAJ Laboratory, University of Jijel, BP. 98, Ouled-Aissa, Jijel, Algeria ' LAJ Laboratory, University of Jijel, BP. 98, Ouled-Aissa, Jijel, Algeria
Abstract: This paper deals with the design problem of a Fractional-Order (FO) sliding mode control to synchronise two different chaotic Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSMs). By constructing FO sliding mode surfaces, it is proved that the corresponding synchronisation errors are Mittag-Leffler stable. The simulation results show that the proposed controller is strongly robust against the parametric variations, modelling uncertainties and unknown external disturbances, and can significantly reduce the chattering level.
Keywords: fractional-order sliding surface; sliding mode control; chaotic PMSM; chaos synchronisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2019.100135
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2019 Vol.60 No.2, pp.165 - 174
Received: 01 Jun 2017
Accepted: 25 Apr 2018
Published online: 10 Jun 2019 *